Moments when you think about insuranceAt your father’s retirement party in the middle of his speech when you suddenly notice his wrinkles and find out the cake’s sugar-freeDec 25, 2024Dec 25, 2024
Smells like train spiritthe buttery smell of a cherry cupcake wafts towards me, waking me up from my reverie, I wish I could partake.Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
The Hill He Chose To Live OnHe sits in the warm light of a yellow lamp Surrounded by two dogs — a mixed breed and a lab Nursing a china cup filled to the brim One…Jan 3, 20221Jan 3, 20221
The Third Horseman’s Side HustleI am the wild wind that blows over flooded farms, and the dry heat that hovers over parched earth. Look into my eyes, and see men killing…Jun 26, 2021Jun 26, 2021
Midsummer Nights In MadrasBefore we installed an AC, my dad would carry a string cot to the open terrace, a damp towel wrapped over his bare shoulders offering…Apr 27, 2021Apr 27, 2021
Monsoons in MadrasMonsoons in Madras are Sleepy dogs under wet cars curled up, content on windswept tar As crimson clouds hide the starsOct 18, 2020Oct 18, 2020
Love, Death, And Loneliness in a LockdownThe summer was here, and it brought with it the sweet and sickly stench of sweat. It pervaded my senses as I made my way across a floor…May 3, 2020May 3, 2020
The Absolutely Accurate Experience of a Russian Mobster in AmericaWalks up to screen.Sep 8, 2019Sep 8, 2019